How Customers are Changing Post COVID-19

COVID-19 has been the source of a hundred different changes in the way we live but one of the biggest areas impacted has to be how we consume. From groceries and takeout to clothes shopping and home decor, our shopping habits and expectations have greatly changed as the pandemic has changed the way we live.

We explore some of the key changes in consumer behaviour in this article.


The internet is where the customers are

In the past, your digital presence was just a bonus to your brick-and-mortar store or restaurant, now it is one of the first impressions a customer has of your brand! Whether it’s a website or your social media, customers expect to find you online, and with lockdown keeping us all inside, users are also looking to do everything they can do in your store, on the internet. In fact, McKinsey found that food and household categories saw an average of over 30% growth in online customer base across countries during the pandemic, with consumers expecting to be able to complete the entire shopping process online.

Convenience in shopping, shipping, and returning

This laser focus on an online experience that matches (or even improves) a physical shopping experience means consumers are also expecting a certain level of convenience. From free shipping when you hit a certain threshold and buy-now-pay-later services, to quick and easy returns process and fast and helpful customer service, today’s online shopping is built on making it as easy as possible for the user, without ever leaving home (particularly when you have no choice in the matter).

A focus on supporting local

The idea of #supportlocal has seen a huge wave of support throughout the pandemic. This has been influenced partly by the push to help locals who may be doing it tough due to the pandemic, as well as the cost and long waiting times in receiving packages from overseas. A recent survey found 82 per cent of consumers say they would spend more to support local businesses since the pandemic began.

Clear product photography

Without the ability to easily enter a physical store and many people shying away from them altogether following lockdowns, your customers want product photography that gives them enough detail to make an informed decision. This means clear, high-quality imagery, close-up shots, and lots of angles. Consumers also expect to see a bunch of product-in-action images on social and not just flatlays. Some stores also use videos to give 360 views and show the movement of the product.

Do you have an app for that?

While not essential for every industry, we are now on our mobile devices so often (56% of global traffic is via mobile!) that having an app for your store could see your success or failure. At a minimum, a mobile responsive site is crucial, but if you own a restaurant, or sell food or consumables, many are either trying to find you on an app that provides food delivery or are looking for your own app to order from.

Today’s consumer was already moving towards the digital world but the pandemic has seen this gradual change catapulted forward. Is your digital presence up to scratch? Let us know if you need help!


Kailey is a results-driven marketing strategist with a passion for data-backed solutions. She excels at developing and executing integrated campaigns that engage specific target audiences, from social media strategies to brand redesigns. Kailey thrives on collaboration and enjoys working with clients across various industries to achieve their marketing goals.


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