Brand Strategy & Design

Create an unforgettable brand, communicating your unique value proposition through a powerful narrative.

Beyond the Logo

Create a Brand People Love

Your brand is more than just a logo; it's the beating heart of your business. We'll work with you to define its unique essence, values, and personality, creating a compelling narrative that connects with your audience.

We will work with you to explore your brand's core purpose, positioning, and messaging. By understanding your audience, competitors, and market trends, we'll develop a strategy that sets your business apart.

Together, we'll breathe life into your brand, designing compelling visuals, engaging content, and a consistent voice that resonates. We'll ensure your brand leaves a lasting impression, fostering loyalty and driving growth.

Our Marketing Strategy Services

Brand Discovery & Audit

We begin by thoroughly examining your current brand identity, target audience, and competitive landscape. This allows us to uncover your brand's strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth, providing a solid foundation for a successful brand strategy.

Brand Positioning & Messaging

We’ll establish a clear understanding of your brand's unique value proposition, to then define your positioning in the market and create a compelling brand message that resonates with your target audience. This messaging will serve as the guiding principle for all your brand communications.

Brand Voice & Tone

We’ll develop a distinctive brand voice and tone that aligns with your brand personality and values. This consistent voice ensures that all your communications, from website copy to social media posts, feel authentic and cohesive.

Brand Identity Development

We’ll translate your brand's essence into a visually compelling identity. This includes developing a comprehensive visual language that encompasses everything from your logo and typography to your colour palette and imagery.

Logo Design & Refresh

Your logo is the face of your brand. We’ll create a memorable and impactful logo that captures your brand's personality and makes a lasting impression on your audience. Or, if your current logo needs a refresh, we'll give it a modern update while maintaining brand recognition.

Marketing Collateral Design

We'll bring your brand to life through a variety of marketing materials, such as brochures, flyers, presentations, and social media graphics. These materials will be visually engaging, on-brand, and designed to drive action.

Visual Identity Design

We'll create a comprehensive visual identity system that extends beyond your logo. This includes designing visual elements such as icons, illustrations, patterns, and photography guidelines, ensuring consistency and cohesiveness across all brand touchpoints.

Brand Guidelines Development

We'll create a comprehensive brand guidelines document that serves as a reference for your team and any external partners. This document will outline your brand's visual and verbal identity, ensuring consistency and clarity across all communications and touchpoints.

Invest in a marketing strategy that delivers measurable results.

Bring Your Brand to Life Online

Our sister agency, 3Equals, can translate your brand identity into a visually engaging and user-friendly website. From layout and navigation to colour schemes and typography, every element will be designed to reflect your brand's personality and resonate with your target audience.

Brand Strategy & Design FAQ

  • Brand strategy is the brains and brand design is the beauty. Strategy is the foundation, defining your brand's purpose, values, and positioning. Design is the visual and verbal expression of that strategy, creating a memorable identity that resonates with your audience.

  • A well-defined brand strategy is your business' North Star. It guides every decision you make, from marketing messages to product development. It ensures consistency across all touchpoints, building a strong brand identity that fosters trust and loyalty.

  • A brand refresh can revitalise your image, attract new customers, and reignite interest among existing customers. It can also help you stay relevant in a changing market and signal a new chapter in your brand's story.

  • Our brand identity services are tailored to your needs. Typically, they include logo design, typography, colour palettes, visual guidelines, and other elements that create a cohesive brand experience. We can also develop brand messaging and a tone of voice guide.

  • The timeline varies depending on the scope and complexity of the project. However, most projects typically take 6-8 weeks. We'll provide a clear timeline during our initial consultation.

  • Our pricing is transparent and tailored to your specific needs. We'll discuss your budget upfront and provide a detailed quote outlining all costs involved. We're committed to delivering exceptional value and ensuring a return on your investment.

  • Absolutely! We offer ongoing support to ensure your brand is consistently implemented across all channels. We can create marketing materials, website design, and social media assets that align with your new brand identity.

  • Your satisfaction with the final design is our priority. We'll work closely with you throughout the design process, incorporating your feedback and making revisions until you're completely happy with the results.

  • We've helped businesses across various industries achieve brand success. We'll leverage our diverse experience to understand your unique challenges and tailor a brand strategy and design that resonates with your target audience.

  • Absolutely! Our sister agency, 3Equals, specialises in web design and development. We collaborate seamlessly to ensure your brand identity is flawlessly integrated into a website that's both visually captivating and user-friendly.

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Contact Us

Let's talk about how we can drive real results for your brand.

Level 1, 470 St Pauls Terrace
Fortitude Valley, 4006

07 3123 4447