Asthma Australia

How We Exceeded Their Download Goal by 398% with Facebook Ads

The Challenge

Asthma Australia sought to increase awareness and downloads of their winter checklist, driving traffic to their campaign landing page. They tasked us with creating engaging digital campaigns to boost reach and video views for their new "Cold Air and Asthma" content, while simultaneously leveraging digital PR to amplify their message.

Our Solution:

A Dual-Focused Facebook Campaign with Digital PR Support

We collaborated closely with Asthma Australia to understand their campaign goals and target audience. Our approach involved:

  • Dual-Focused Facebook Campaign: We developed a two-tiered Facebook campaign that strategically targeted both video views and checklist downloads. The first tier focused on maximizing video views through engaging video ad formats and compelling copy. The second tier utilized targeted ads to drive traffic to the landing page and encourage checklist downloads.

  • Digital PR Outreach: We initiated a Digital PR outreach campaign to secure coverage in relevant news publications, amplifying the campaign's message and driving additional traffic to the website.

Our targeted approach delivered exceptional results for Asthma Australia:

  • 398% Increase in Checklist Downloads: We far exceeded the initial download goal, ensuring the winter checklist reached a wider audience and provided valuable resources to individuals with asthma.

  • 240% Increase in Video Views: The "Cold Air and Asthma" video campaign resonated with the target audience, significantly increasing views and engagement.

  • Media Coverage: The campaign secured a placement in Modern Australia and Essential Baby, a Nine News network, further amplifying the campaign's message and driving brand awareness.


Exceeding Expectations on All Fronts




Video Thru Plays


PR Placements on the Nine Network

Breathing Easier with Digital Success

The Asthma Australia winter campaign is a testament to the power of a multi-faceted digital approach. By combining a strategic Facebook campaign with proactive Digital PR efforts, we were able to drive exceptional results, exceeding both video views and download goals. This successful campaign demonstrates the effectiveness of tailoring digital strategies to specific objectives and leveraging multiple channels to achieve maximum impact.

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Level 1, 470 St Pauls Terrace
Fortitude Valley, 4006

07 3123 4447